Equality and Diversity

We believe that healthcare services should respond to the diverse requirements of everyone in our local community. 

This means taking into account needs relating to age, gender, race, disability, religion, and sexuality.

We continuously monitor a range of workforce and patient statistics to identify any anomalies that could potentially indicate barriers to employment or access to healthcare.

To achieve our vision statement of providing Excellent Care with Compassion and fulfil our Big Ambitions, we have developed an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy for 2021 – 2026. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) is at the heart of what we do, people caring for people. We commit to treating everyone we come into contact be that patients, their families, carers, colleagues, temporary workers, volunteers and colleagues from other organisations with dignity, respect, kindness and understanding. 

It is our vision that we make it every colleague’s responsibility to be consciously inclusive in everything we do for our colleagues and communities.

EDI Strategy cover - click to view